Monday, May 4, 2015

the First Amendment TRUMPS Montana Protective Orders. It is Flat out against the Law to use a protective order to shut up a REPORTER. As soon as Anti-Corruption Film Producer Bill Windsor's case hits federal courts, then goes to the Ninth Circuit, the University of Montana and Montana Law Enforcement will be EXPOSED for using Unconstitutional Protective Orders to Chill Speech and Cover up wide spread corruption in Montana.

The State of Montana is among the most corrupt in the nation.  Montana Law Enforcement, the University of Montana, Montana Judges, Montana Commissioners, Chief of Police County Attorneys, Montana Senators and the Montana Governor are all in on using Protective Orders as if there is real danger and stopping the flow of Free Speech, in clear violation of the First Amendment.

It is not constitutional nor lawful, as proven by higher courts over and over, to chill the speech of reporters. Yet in Montana, Sean Boushie threatened to Kill Me, he harassed me, stalked me, endangered my life and ruined my business. Yet the University of Montana paid him to do so, and ALL levels of Montana Law enforcement protect him.

I was unable to get a protective order against Sean Boushie, though he threatened to kill me. And the 2 different film producers her asked where I would be filmed at, they have no protection either.

Bill Windsor picked up the story of just how corrupt Montana is and how Montana uses protective orders to jail people, death by cop, prison time, suppress speech and more. And then the State of Montana went after Bill Windsor and protected the corruption judges, cops, governor, senators and county attorneys.

Sean Boushie threatened to kill Bill Windsor and is said to have shot at him, yet Bill Windsor, nor I, Crystal Cox could get protection. I was told because Sean Boushie was not my boyfriend, no protective order. Yet he got one against me, because I showed the police his death threat email send to me.

The University of Montana Royce Engstrom ignored this for years, the U of M and Montana Law enforcement at every level ignored rapes in which is what I was reporting on, they ignore and even pay death threat stalkers, and as the years, web stats, documents, and massive proof pile up over years, still the university of Montana does nothing.

Montana jails Bill Windsor for not wanting to be threatened and harassed. It is all true stuff folks. And once there is a civil case filed in federal court. Montana Law enforcement, the U of M, and every level of all this for years will most likely end up paying the Lawless America production company 10's of millions.

Every single word that Bill Windsor of Lawless America has said about the State of Montana, Montana Cops and Judges, Montana Courts, the University of Montana and Sean Boushie, is ALL 100% Factual as far as I have read it and experienced it myself as a Montana Anti-Corruption Blogger who tried to expose all this corruption in Montana for years.

A few Research Links

Lawless America

University of Montana Stalker

Movie Producer Bill Windsor and Montana Investigative Blogger Reporting on corruption in Montana THREATENED from University of Montana employee

Bill Windsor on Serial Stalker Sean Boushie

Officer Maury McKinney Serves Crystal Cox, Hamilton Justice Court Robin Clute 
Gives Sean Boushie a Protective Order AGAINST CRYSTAL Cox and Refuse to Give Crystal Cox PROTECTION from the Sean Boushie who had threatened to Kill Her.

Stephen Mocko Complaint against Sean Boushie regarding Crystal Cox

Judge Haynes Denies Crystal Cox a Protective Order

Beneath the Beauty Documentary Trailer, Montana Corruption

Archive of Bitteroot Rising Site about Motnana Corruption

Here is My Ninth Circuit WIN, surely this will be used once Lawless America sues all the players in this including Missoula County, the State of Montana, and the University of Montana. As well as Ravalli County and more.  It is Bill Windsor's Civil Right to report on, tell one and try and get help from those trying to kill him, threatening him, harassing him and ruining his life. It is his First Amendment Right to break the news, report on the Montana Corruption story I was telling about rape and corruption in Montana when he picked up my story and has undergone years of massive attack from those in power in Montana whom are suppose to protect us.

It is going to be so GREAT when all these folks are sued in a Federal Court outside of the Corruption in Montana, and the First Amendment will actually apply.

Here is my case precedence that Gives ALL anti-corruption bloggers Equal rights as Journalists

Friday, December 19, 2014

University Of Montana Sean Boushie Still on Paid Time to Read my BLOGS

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State Of Montana

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

In Montana the Culture of Rape protected by Cops and seemingly condoned by the University of Montana, is rampant. Rape, Stalking, Harassment is NOT taken serious in the State of Montana. STAND Up Against MONTANA Cops and University of Montana Official that Support and CONDONE Stalking and RAPE.

"University of Virginia pledges zero-tolerance policy in rape cases"

If only the University of Montana did the SAME

"(CNN) -- The University of Virginia has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for handling rape and sexual assault cases.
UVA's governing board held an emergency meeting Tuesday as the university scrambled to handle the aftermath of a Rolling Stone article that detailed a horrific gang rape of a student at a fraternity two years ago and that highlighted a trend of indifference toward victims.
Flawed policies were at the heart of the discussion at the special board meeting. However, the specifics of the new zero-tolerance policy will be worked out at a later meeting, university officials said.
A few weeks before the November 19 article hit the newsstands, the student-run WUVA interviewed the associate dean of students, Nicole Eramo, who guides women through their options when they report they've been assaulted.
In the interview, Eramo admitted that no student had been expelled for committing sexual assault, even when there was an admission, and even though offenses such as cheating regularly lead to expulsion.

UVA suspends Greek life after rape scandal

UVA suspends frats amid rape allegations

Victims say UVA covering up rape claims
"I feel if a person is willing to come forward in that setting and admit they violated the policy when there is absolutely no advantage to do so, then I feel that deserves some consideration, that they are willing to say I have done something wrong and I am willing to take my licks and deal with it," Eramo told reporter Catherine Valentine, explaining why no one had been expelled.
Eramo said there had been 38 reports of sexual assault last year.
"I do feel like that person admitting in that context it shows a recognition of what they have done is wrong, and a willingness to improve," Eramo said, when pressed on the subject, adding that a two-year suspension is still "quite a stiff penalty."
A two-year suspension, Eramo admitted, many times means that the victim and the accused remain on campus together.
"I think we are trying to balance the rights of the individual who is being accused as well as the rights of the complainant and sometimes that is very difficult," she said. "I think you would be surprised to see the number of survivors who I've worked with who don't even want to file a complaint, because they don't want to get the accused person in trouble."
Jackie, the woman central to the Rolling Stone article, released anopen letter in support of Eramo to the student newspaper, The Cavalier Daily. Jackie and many other victims of assault at the school in Charlottesville said Eramo helped them tremendously as they dealt with what happened to them.
"How can we not do the same for her in her darkest moment?" asked the letter from her supporters.
"Dean Eramo has truly saved my life. If it were not for her, I do not know if I could be alive today," Jackie wrote.
Another victim who spoke to CNN, Lyra Bartell, said that Eramo has "the hardest job at UVA" and said the problems highlighted by Rolling Stone are more about the policy than about a person.
Bartell, who graduated in May, came back to the university after reading the Rolling Stone article. She has collected more than 200 photographs of people writing messages of support to victims of sexual assault at UVA.
In the meantime, the University of Virginia has suspended all fraternities until after the winter break, and President Teresa Sullivan has called on the Charlottesville Police Department to investigate Jackie's allegations and has pleaded for witnesses to come forward with information.
The university also announced Tuesday that the state attorney general has asked the law firm O'Melveny & Myers to do an investigation of how the school responds to reports of sexual violence, especially in cases where alleged victims choose not to go to the police.
It's been a rough year for the prestigious university.
Students who talked to CNN said there was already a lot of sadness following the killing of first-year student Hannah Graham.
The Rolling Stone article gave them even more to reflect on. Many students said sexual assault is a problem colleges across the country are dealing with, not just the University of Virginia.
They said that once the initial shock of the piece dissolved, conversations between friends shifted from sadness to a feeling that Greek life and campus culture at the school were unfairly singled out."

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