Monday, September 24, 2012

HI Kai Groenke, Welcome to my Blog Exposing UnEthical Montana Attorney Kai Groenke Defending a Lying Man in Keeping a Mother from Her Children and Denying Medical Care, Allegedly to his own Children. You Going to Sue me For Defamation YOU Cold Heartless Bitch who left me to DIE and Did not DO a Damn Thing in My Defamation Case. Oh I am sure you WILL do better for Big Shot Asshole, Womanizer, Randy Wilson.

Welcome Kai, Enjoy The Blogs. Coming Soon the Lawsuit you Fucked Up for Me, and the documents between you and Bernie Cassidy when you were my Attorney.  Hope you have fun talking to Marc Randazza and you both violated Attorney Ethics and conspiring against your clients to do them harm and paint them in false light.

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Referring URL:
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Host Name:72-160-28-88.dyn.centurytel.netBrowser/OS:Safari iPad/iOS
IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Mobile Device:Apple iPad
Location:Kalispell, Montana, United StatesResolution:768x1024
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:Not ApplicableISP:Centurytel Internet Holdings

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(No referring link)
24 Sep19:57:37

Some More.. Probably Still at the Office Here.. Just "Speculating"

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Search Referral:
Host Name:s2-229-rb5.ka.centurytel.netBrowser:IE 8.0
IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Operating System:WinXP
Location:Kalispell, Montana, United StatesResolution:1152x720
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:1 hour 19 mins 39 secsISP:Centurytel Internet Holdings

Navigation Path

24 Sep15:31:31
24 Sep16:51:10

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