Monday, October 1, 2012

3 Years of Harassment. Huge LOSS, Years of Suffering and Loss and ALL because Kai Groenke did not do HER Job.

 As I said in a previous post, to be BLATANT that he sent the Death Threat 3 years ago from - Well a couple of weeks ago Sean Boushe started using the Gmail CrystalCoxIsABitch@Gmail.

 And remember the Death Threat Sean Boushie still lies and claims he did not send. Well here is a YouTube Comment from Sean Boushie 5 months ago

"Why dont you just check yourself into the nearest mental hospital? We all know that someday you are going to loose it and go postal on one of your many many victims, get some help for your paranoid delusions before its too late. You are a worthless lying hate filled nutcase that teh world would be better off without. Go away or you will soon be locked up for your own, and everyone else's good. the world will be a better place without in it. Dont like it?? You know where I live, come get me.

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