Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kai Groenke neglected a Dangerous situation her client was in and did NOTHING to help me remedy the situation. This was 3 years ago.

Crystal Cox Calls the Eureka Police August of 2009 Regarding the "Mocko Report", the Stephen Mocko Complaint that proved Sean Boushie sent my Death Threat.

 Maury McKinney was never available to talk to me about the VERY important Criminal Complaint filed with him from Sean Boushie, Regarding Stephen Mocko. Therefore, knowingly endangering my life.  However a couple weeks later, Officer McKinney, whom knew who the death threat came from, and protected his friend, Sean Boushie,  Well this same cop (Maury McKinney Lincoln County Montana),  served me a Protective Order AGAINST me and giving protection to Sean Boushie and NOT me, after 2 Judges DENIED me this Civil Right of Protection.

This was issued by Judge Robin Clute in Hamilton Montana, I kept my Then Attorney Kai Groenke in the Loop at ALL Times. Kai Groenke endangered my life and if she could not handle the job, it was her ethical duty to hand me over to someone I could. Instead she took all my money and left me to RUIN.

Here is a recording of Officer Maury McKinney serving me and me asking if he took the Sean Boushie Complaint. He said YES and that he gave it to County Attorney Bernie Cassidy. ~ He says he has a note to get back to Bernie Cassidy, but he just has No Idea.. Right...


BEFORE Justice of the Peace Robin Clute Gave Sean Boushie a Protective Order Against me, District Court Judge Haynes DENIED me a Protective Order in Ravalli County, here is a video clip of that.

 Some Reasons, Information on why a District Court Judge Denied my Protect Order. Yet weeks later my aggressor was given a Protective Order against me, which caused me to leave my home and business for fear of my death by my stalker and the cops, county attorney and judges helping him.

I received my Death Threat August 6th 2009 and went to Judge Stormy Langston in Eureka Montana, that very day. TJudge Stormy Langston said me, in front of a witness that she knew for sure it was Sean, yet Judge Stormy Langston refused to give me a protective order that day.

I retained, hired Kai Groenke on our In Person meeting August 12th 2009.

The Proof positive that the Death Threat was sent by Sean Boushie from the University of Montana was the "Mocko Report", the Stephen Mocko Criminal Complaint filed by Sean Boushie against Stephen Mocko for sending an email to was filed on August 28th, 2009, after this interview.

At the time of this Interview I did not have proof yet of who sent the Death Threat, I felt I knew it was Sean and Was working with my Attorney, Kai Groenke, I Thought, to Subpoena Technical Proof.

Meanwhile Stephen Mocko, one of my investigative bloggers, sent an email to on August 18th 2009 and I had no knowledge of this email's existence until Sean Boushie filed a Criminal Complaint on August 28th 2009  regarding an email he received at from Stephen Mocko.

The Eureka Police, Officer Maury McKinny investigated the Complaint and Called Stephen Mocko to discuss it. Officer Maury McKinny knew full well who sent me a Death Threat and did nothing to protect me, a citizen in his county, his juristiction. And instead protected Sean Boushie, several counties away. Officer Maury McKinny did not obey the law. Officer Maury McKinny endangered my life. Officer Maury McKinny violated my Civil and Human Rights.

Officer Maury McKinny served me a Protective Order, Protecting Sean Boushie from ME, even though he knew that I was in Danger from Sean Boushie and was NOT a Danger to Sean Boushie. This protective order was not mutual and I fled my home state, my business, my town for fear of my life. As the Cops (Maury McKinney), and Judge Robin Clute were helping a man who wanted to kill me. He attacked me online for the next year solid. Every day emailing potential clients, posting craigslist hate and defamation, starting facebook hate groups and more.

Keep in mind that Judge Robin Clute, Hamilton Montana would not allow Sean Boushie nor myself to speak of Stephen Mocko at my hearing for HIS Protective Order Against ME. This is because Judge Robin Clute was given orders to silence me by those involved in corruption in Lincoln and Ravalli County Montana.    Judge Robin Clute did not obey the law.   Judge Robin Clute endangered my life.   Judge Robin Clute violated my Civil and Human Rights.  Judge Robin Clute should not have immunity to endanger lives, ruin business and NOT obey the Laws of Montana.

 Officer Maury McKinny, Judge Robin Clute, Attorney Kai Groenke, Attorney Thane Johnson, Judge Stormy Langston, Sheriff Anderson and County Attorney Bernie Cassidy ruined my life, ruined my business and therefor I lost what I had worked a decade to build. On top of this, 3 years later and it never ends. The University of Montana has known for 3 years and done NOTHING. All this to protect Montana Corruption and attempt to silence an Investigative Blogger in conspiracy, and against the laws of Montana and the US. And Against my Constitutional Rights.

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