Monday, September 24, 2012

Open Letter to Randy Wilson from the Mother of His Children.

"From: mary deneen
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2012 13:35:44 -0700
Subject: Request for Spousal Financial Support for Required RN
Refresher Courses for Self-Sustainable Employment
To: Randy Wilson


This is not just about Christy and Jessica, but, also about me and my rights -

Accusation of 'Delusional-Somatic type' by Kalispell Regional Medical
Center with violations of (HIPAA) detained in solitary isolation and
victimized with Malicious Discrimination and Retaliation against me
for my rights of 'choice' of my health care providers under (ADA)
Federal law -

"She states she has chronic Lyme disease, Bartonella and Babesia,
degenerative cardiac disease, cephalgia, liver and kidney problems,
muscle and joint pain - None of her physical symptoms have ever been
substantiated by any doctors.  She is somatizing her complaints. The
courts have found her indigent. She has been living in her car. She is
disorganized and disfunctional. She is GRAVELY DISABLED."  Dx:
'Delusional-Somatic type.' --James O. Rougle, DO (court-appointed

With scheme of "knowingly-willful and willful-neglect" (HIPAA)
violations, electronically sent to (KRMC), North Valley Hospital, and
other Montana Emergency Rooms -  "Dr. Rougle has diagnosed her
'Delusional-Somatic type' "a harm to herself, and others, none of her
physical symptoms have ever been substantiated by any physicians.  She
is GRAVELY DISABLED.  She requires Involuntary Commitment in solitary
isolation in The Montana State Mental Hospital."

Causing imminent risk of harm to my health, safety, life and welfare,
putting my life in DANGER causing damage to my health, safety and
welfare suffering serious complications of carditis (heart infection),
Lyme-neuroborreliosis (bacterial encephalitis), stroke (brain bleed),
radiculoneuritis, liver hematoma, red and white blood count disorders,
muscle and joint swelling, pain, chronic fatigue, exhaustion,
insomnia, and medically-documented, "situational understandable stress
and depression."

Due to "intentional" scheme of (HIPAA) violation(s) refused  duty and
my rights to contact my rights of 'choice' of currently "treating"
UCSF Hematologist and referred Cardiologists, Opthalmologists,
Neurologists and Columbia Univ. Medical Center Radiologists under
(ADA) Federal law.

While in Montana, (NVH) Lab, by and thru (HIPPA) violations would not
even draw my blood for every (2) weeks required (CBC) blood tests by
my rights of 'choice' of qualified treating health providers under
(ADA) Federal law - further unlawful disability discrimination with
infliction of emotional harm - putting my health in jeopardy.

Denied rights of Spousal Financial Support - Judge Ted Lympus, with
"blatant" unlawful Disability, Gender, Marital Status, Age (over 40),
Housing and Employment Discrimination  "This Lyme disease thing, there
is no basis for it." ,

With unlawful Discrimination under federally protected classes after
23 years of marriage while "very very sick" with suspected and
confirmed late-stage Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia (similar to malaria)
complications during, and after pregnancies, and during and after
divorce, known severe related headaches, nausea, vomiting,
degenerative cardiac disease, hemic, liver and kidney problems,
cephalgia, neck, back, muscle and joint pain while a full-time
homemaker and caretaker of babies, toddlers, and minors without
employment for (12) years.

MARITAL ESTATE" and "RIGHTS OF LEGAL COUNSEL AS YOU HAD/HAVE YOURSELF - since (retroactive June 1, 2006) under (ADA) Federal law -

Denied fundamental rights of SPOUSAL FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY for
ED/LICENSE FEES,  etc, (further with blatant conflicts of interest,
your legal counsel represented the Judge's daughter in divorce) - with
and EQUITABLE TRIAL under rights, privileges and immunities under

Randy, I am in the Bay Area staying at John's.

I am in GREAT NEED OF YOUR "Spousal Financial Support" for employment
required (RN) Refresher and Critical Care Course (required for (RN)
employment after (3) years (RN) non-employment.)  Cost $2,100.00 -
plus cost of gas to Dublin and back for (4) weeks required for my
rights of "self-sustainable" employment, health care and living after
no employment for (18) years.

I never got the approx. $12,000.00 I was suppose to get in the Decree.
Nor, the Montana Supreme Court Judgment for abuse of discretion for
'retroactive' Child Support since September 2006 - since without
employment for (12) years of marriage.  The supreme Court also denied
my rights of Spousal Support since (SSA) federal government findings
of disability (retroactive June 1, 2006)  - further, with no
employment Social Security benefits.

My money was/is spent on thousands and thousands of dollars for
out-of-pocket health care that SAVED/SAVES MY LIFE!!!!  I still am
paying approx. $1,500.00 out of pocket per month for necessary health

Since July 2010 no medical or dental insurance - costing further
thousands and thousands of dollars for necessary medical, dental, and
vision health care.

I am physically doing better - after gender, marital status, age (over
40), disability, housing and employment discrimination and financially

I miss my girls so much!!!
Stay Healthy (and Happy),
Wish I could turn back Time on the Clock,
Going for a Walk around Lafayette Resavoir, then El Charro's,
Some Good Memories,
I Miss My Family and Montana!!!
Talk Tonight,

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