Friday, September 21, 2012

So let's take a look at some of the Bullshit Spewing from Kai Groenke regarding her ex-Client Crystal Cox Super Duper Blogger.

Let's see, in desperation to keep a Mother from her daughters and to get a Montana Corrupt Protective Order to make sure this Mother would go to jail or a mental institute if she even tries to talk to her own children, well here we have Evil Doer Kai Groenke defending Dead Beat Dangerous Dad Randy Wilson.

Here are some Kai Groenke quotes from her Yap in defense of a Protective Order Keeping a Mother From her Child. This is in regard to me, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox who was a Eureka Montana Resident for 40 years, and was a client of Kai Groenke.

Keep in mind Mary has been charged with "Stalking" her own children because she spoke to a teacher and corrupt Montana Family Court Services thinks its best to have only supervised calls, of course with Randy Wilson on the phone so he can hang up.

ok here we are Page 2 Number 6

"Since the entry of the last Order of Protection in this matter, Mary has joined forces with Crystal Cox, a self-described "investigative blogger" who obtained a measure of notoriety in 2011 when an Oregon federal court jury awarded a $2.5 million judgement against her in a defamation lawsuit"

First of all Kai Groenke could have made millions in my Defamation Case as many Montana Counties were involved as well as the University of Montana. Kai Groenke knows it started as exposing Rape, which came out last summer as an epidemic in Montana. I have been yelling this from the roof top for years.  Kai Groenke is too damn dumb to have made that case work, or she took a pay off. Not Sure Which, but I fully believe she took a bribe from Sheriff Anderson's Camp. Just what I believe.

Love the way Kai Groenke describes me, right from the ol' Internet, when Kai Groenke knows I have been exposing corruption in Montana, especially Lincoln County for years. As she was my attorney. Now she speaks of me so generic as if she has no knowledge of the TRUTH.

Yes I have interviewed Mary, have seen documents, and am reporting on this very important Montana Corruption news by the people for the people of Montana. I have known of Randy's Bull for years and years, over a decade I would say.

Yes I am "notorious", and its for exposing unethical and corrupt attorneys. For being amazing at getting the voice of victims heard and standing up for Mothers such as the Whistle Blower in the Summit Bankruptcy that Obsidian Finance Group was defaming, harassing, and attacking. And for standing up for Mothers such as Mary Wilson Deneed who no one is listening to because corrupt judges, powerful lawyers and the CEO of a local Utility Company have more money and a bigger VOICE.  I do NOT Defame, I Expose.

Kai Groenke seriously dramatizes number 9, when she yammers that Ms. Cox,  I echo themes the court is familiar with. YES, ya dumb shit, and its the TRUTH, why is the court NOT doing what is best for the heath and well being of these children and standing up for a Mother, an Ex-Wife's rights?

Mary has NOT unrelentingly harassed Randy Wilson you Lying BITCH. Mary has fought back against your tyranny, lies and bullying. And has, like a warrior or a Mama Bear, she has stood strong and not give up on her children. She never will. She is a Good Mom. A Strong Woman and is not attacking nor retaliating, she simply loves her children and is standing up for their rights and her own.

Oh and Fact, BITCH.. regarding number 8 d. - Randy did have plenty of Extramarital Affairs, a down right Gigilo I would say, in my OPINION. Shall I name Names.. ????

Also yep.. Mary is hopefully encouraged to Stand a Bit taller with me on her side, as I am Exposing YOU Kai Groenke, exposing corrupt MT Protective Orders as the one you let be gotten against me, exposing corrupt attorneys and judges, exposing Montana CPS and Social Services Issues, Exposing Rocky Mountain Tick and Lyme Disease Issues and defending a Mother's Right, a Disabled woman's right.. and I sure hope it encourages her.. she is a good woman, a good mother and she is bringing attention to Lyme Disease bigger every day. Her work, her fight is important and she has My Full Support as well as all those in the Lawless America Documentary as she will soon be interviewing for and giving Congressional Testimony.

More Coming to this post soon.. as we examine this document..

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