Friday, September 21, 2012

Kai Groenke represented Crystal Cox in a Lawsuit against Sean Boushie for Defamation, and Kai Groenke dropped the ball, put my life in danger and demanded more money to help me. Kai Groenke is EVIL at best. Kai Groenke is incompetent and Kai Groenke is unable to to practice law to the highest and best good of her client in which she takes money from.

Kai Groenke, Montana Attorney seems to be Defaming Blogger Crystal Cox, me.  

Who will represent me to SUE Kai Groenke for Defamation. 

Kai Groenke is the WORST Attorney in Montana, if Not the WORLD.  Kai Groenke does not follow through.  Kai Groenke does not keep in touch with her clients. Kai Groenke does not
listen to her clients nor care. Kai Groenke soaks up money FAST, and does absolutely NOTHING to truly benefit her clients.

Kai Groenke endangered my life.  Kai Groenke could not stand up to Lincoln County Bernie Cassidy.  Kai Groenke failed to get police reports that proved where my Death Threat Came from.

Kai Groenke convinced me to file a Defamation Lawsuit in Lincoln County in order to get discover documents of my Death Threat. Kai Groenke took my MONEY and did NOTHING to help me.  Meanwhile Kai Groenke did not go to my protective order hearing, a protective order AGAINST ME.. and NOT Mutual and from a man she had proof had threatened to kill me.  Kai Groenke simply told me to go alone and I would do fine.

Kai Groenke had a letter from the Association of Realtors certifying that I Quit NAR in good standing, and with this Kai Groenke said she had an open shut case in suing Sean Boushie. Kai Groenke convinced me to File a Lawsuit against Sean Boushie in 2009. Then Kai Groenke took thousands upon thousands from me and abandoned me.

DO NOT TRUST Kai Groenke for ANY Reason. 

I met Kai Groenke when she contacted me to testify against Sean Boushie, on behalf of Paul Stramer regarding a Protective Order via Judge Stormy Langston. Kai Groenke knows Lincoln County Corruption.  Thane Johnson (her boss, I Think), Represented those attempting to Recall Sheriff Anderson for NOT prosecuting over 40 rapes in Lincoln County Montana.  I fully believe that Thane Johnson, and Kai Groenke took a pay off from those at the helm of Lincoln County Corruption.

Kai Groenke defended Paul Stramer in regard to a Restraining Order brought by Sean Boushie, his son in law, with no proof that Sean Boushie was in any danger. Still Kai Groenke lost this case.

I would say that the BITCH Kai Groenke has a serious Conflict of Interest, Yapping her Evil, Dumb, Hypocritical Mouth against Crystal Cox in defense of Randy Wilson. And crying defamation and spouting lies about me, when Kai Groenke was my attorney, and should not be licensed in Montana due to her very bad, life endangering, money sucking ETHICS and behavior.

Kai Groenke speculates that "Ms. Cox" talks of Randy's affair, and how he treated his wife Mary because Kai Groenke claims that Mary told Crystal Cox this "Breaking News". Geez, ya dumb Bitch, I am a 4th generation Montana and a Lincoln County Native, and have been an investigative blogger for 7 years. I get lots of tips, and have known of Randy Wilsons AFFAIRS for years. Especially the notorious one with .. well in respect for those who have crossed over I won't mention her name...

I have witnessed Randy Wilson coming on to my Employees when I owned part of a local bakery. I have had first hand experience with the tactics of Randy Wilson and had heard years of how he treated his wife.

As far as the Lyme Disease and Current horrifying situation, well that was Divine Intervention. The how I met Mary Deneen Wilson story will be coming soon.

Kai Groenke seems to be representing a man to keep his kids from their mother and from what looks like property medical care. Kai Groenke may soon be facing a HIPAA Violation over all this.

Kai Groenke will be named in my Department of Justice and RICO Complaint against all involved with harassing and threatening me in order to cover up Montana Corruption.

You Ready to RUMBLE Kai Groenke ? Hope you got the balls for it BITCH. You, Kai Groenke have harmed my life, and I will Stand up to your LIES and Deceit. Now, I will dedicate my LIFE to Expose your every indescrestion.. Aren't you glad you are defending a man to ruin his Ex Wife's Life and Endanger his Children???

I Stand with Mary Wilson Deneen, as she is telling the TRUTH and Randy Wilson is a lying sack of SHIT who ruins lives with NO Remorse.

Randy Wilson has taken a Mother's children and he is the one that is EVIL.  The Truth will Roll out and I will EXPOSE every move you ever make. Don't Worry Bitch, I won't Defame you.. I will Pants Ya though.. .. You ruined my Life, you Endangered my life.. you support corrupt Bernie Cassidy and a string of Rapes ... you are now making a stand against me to protect a LIAR.. good luck Bitch.. Hope your charging him as much as you Soaked me for.. 

One Million More Posts regarding Montana Attorney Kai Groenke by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox, dedicated to exposing Kai Groenke so that Kai Groenke does not endanger the life of any more of her clients. And to warn other of Kai Groenke, so that Kai Groenke does not ruin their life and livelihood.

Check out for TONS more.. and if you have a Kai Groenke tip, email me at

NOTE:   I am 100% behind Mary Wilson Deneen. And will fight with her for as long as it takes for the Truth to come out regarding this loyal Mother fighting for her rights and the rights of her children.

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