Friday, September 28, 2012

"MT Voc Rehab (DPHHS) discriminated against me under (EEOC) by and thru HIPAA violations and McEvoy's/Groenke's/Stein's/Lympus'/Cassidy's false-fabricated "Munchausen's by Proxy" - they don't want a tick borne disease knowledgeable licensed RN in MT unless locked up for state profits."

"I went to CA Dept of Voc. Rehab - they sent me to a psychologist, PhD
for 10 days occupational services evaluation.  I tested (90-98%)
competency for professional employment. I am taking a 2 wk RN
Refresher course Oct. 8, then will seek employment in Integrative
Medicine w/ Lyme/Assoc. Disease literate-physicians or UC Davis
Department of Stem Cell Research.

MT Voc Rehab (DPHHS) discriminated against me under (EEOC) by and thru
HIPAA violations and McEvoy's/Groenke's/Stein's/Lympus'/Cassidy's
false-fabricated "Munchausen's by Proxy" - they don't want a tick
borne disease knowledgeable licensed RN in MT unless locked up for
state profits.

They don't want a licensed RN educating MT citizens,
public schools and social workers about the seriousness of tick born
diseases, negligent misdiagnoses and incompetence - due to tourism,
real estate, commercialism, and (corrupt) managed health care system
in MT for self-gain - instead, FRAUD, DECEIT, OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT,
WASTE and ABUSE AGAINST (HHS) to DEFRAUD Federal Taxpayers for State
Profit (mental health institutionalization, incarceration, etc.)


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